Cod and Parsnip Chowder for Dinner Tonight

Tonight it was separate dinners. My wife who is Zimbabwean had an African meal based on Sadza, which to be honest I’m not keen on, so I had something with parsnip which she’s not keen on!


This is how I made the chowder. I sweated a finely chopped Shallot in some butter while poaching a skinless piece of Cod loin in milk. I then added equal quantities of diced (approx. 10mm cubes) potato and parsnip, plus a splash of water, put a lid on the pan and cooked until done. I then added the milk the fish had been poached in, the fish broken into chunks and a good splash of double cream. Brought everything back to temperature, adjusted the seasoning and served.

After this I had some of my favourite cheese, Époisses de Bourgogne.


I ate the fully ripe cheese with my white bread. The cheese was sublime.

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