500ml Whole milk
500ml Double cream
200g Caster sugar
6 Egg yolks
2tbs Dried lavender flowers
6tbs Gin
Slightly warm the Gin and add the dried lavender to infuse while doing everything else. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together, heat the milk and pour onto the egg/sugar mixture stirring all the time. Return the custard to the pan and heat whilst constantly stirring to make a custard. I use a thermometer so as not to overheat the custard and turn the heat off when the custard reaches 85C. Immediately cool the custard by placing the pan in some cold water. When the custard is cold stir in the double cream and strain the Gin so as to remove the dried flowers, squeeze the flowers to get all the flavour and Gin you can out of them. Add the Gin to the custard and give it a stir. I’m fortunate in having an ice-cream maker which not only stirs the ice-cream as it’s made but also has a built in freeze capability. Just use whatever method you usually use for ice-cream making.